Sign up online, then stop by the Media Center to see Ms. Wands for more information!
If you are a more casual reader who enjoys discussing a good story with good friends, we will be hosting meetings during ALPHA-B the 3rd Wednesday of every month. You will get to select your own reads and lead your own discussions.
If you are more competitive and enjoy a challenge, Ms. Wands will be leading the Florida Teen Reads group as we go through this year's list of books (found below) and prepare to compete against the other local high schools to win the Battle of the Books. These meetings will be held during ALPHA-B the 1st Wednesday of every month.
You don't have to choose just one, as both options are available to all students who sign up for the book club.
Sign up for the Book Club Remind by texting @readWP25 to 81010


Florida Teens Read 24-25 Book List
PLEASE NOTE - Statement from FAME
This program is designed to entice teens to read. In order to engage their
interest and to provide a spur to critical thinking, the book selections include
those that involve sensitive issues. The content of some of the titles may be more mature than younger students may have previously encountered. Please recognize that this is a voluntary reading program. Not every book selected will suit every student. In a democratic society, a variety of ideas must find voice. As readers, teens have the choice to read the more mature titles or to close the book.