Color Guard

The Wolf Pack Battalion has well motivated Male and Female Color Guard teams that carry our National and State colors with pride and dignity.

Our WPHS JROTC Color Guard Teams perform at school functions, such as school football games, school graduation, awards ceremonies, and other special school and battalion occasions. They also perform at many community events, parades and other gatherings.

Three of the last four years - STATE CHAMPIONS FOR MALE COLOR GUARD

Finish 3rd in the Unarmed Platoon at the 2022 Army National Drill Championship held in Daytona Beach


Color Guard Commander:

C/CSM Robert Palmer

The primary duties of the color guard commander are to train their members of the color guard, to represent the cadet battalion at activities as directed by cadet battalion commander, the cadet battalion XO, or the instructor staff. This person must coordinate uniform, flag, and weapon requirements with the S-4, and schedule competitions for the color guard; coordinate these activities with the S-3 and the cadet battalion training schedule. He/She must inspect uniform and personal appearance of color guard members, and to be thoroughly familiar with TC 3- 21.5.

Color Guard