Join a club or organization!
Our purpose is to provide extracurricular organizations and activities to permit all interested students an opportunity to participate. Club enrollment for the 2024-2025 school year begins August 1st through September 25th for Semester 1 and January 1 - 25 for Semester 2. Students need to download the Student Permission form below, complete it and then upload the completed file into the Club Enrollment Google Form link below. Students may choose a maximum of 10 clubs to enroll in for the year.
List of Clubs for 2024-25
Students can sign-up for clubs for Semester 2 until January 25th. Students that registered for clubs in semester 1 do not have to register again for semester 2. Students will complete the form below and must use their MCPS Google account to access the form.
CLICK HERE to register for clubs in Semester 2
*Note: Students must use their MCPS email and Google account to access the form.
Please Download this file and then bring to Ms. Craig in 7-003.
Student Club Permission Form.
Student Membership Requirements:
Students are encouraged to join and participate in clubs and organizations. Membership requirements are contained in each club's constitutions and by-laws; there are general requirements regarding eligibility for membership in any club or organization.
In accordance with Marion County School Board and established school policies, certain requirements must be met by the individuals involved in activity programs.
These are as follows:
- All students involved in activities must have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA (9th and 10th graders may sign a "contract" in specific situations) and meet the club's requirements. Freshmen must have been "promoted" from 8th grade. Students may not have a fine on the "debt list".
- Students involved in any activities, whether on or off campus, are governed by the Marion County Code of Student Conduct.
- Students must complete a student participation and Parental Approval Form prior to joining any club.
Student Participation Guidelines:
In addition to the grade point average requirement, a good discipline and attendance record are important. A student is not to attend a club or school-sponsored function on days when he/she has not attended school. It is the sponsor's responsibility to enforce this policy.
Clubs at West Port 2024-25: CLICK HERE
Club Meetings & AP Review Sessions during ALPHA Time: CLICK HERE
Clubs & Organizations